Willis beats Tetris
- 12 januari 2024
- Niveau: Havo/vwo bovenbouw
- Bron: NBC News
![- NU Actueel](https://nuactueel.noordhoff.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Schermafbeelding-2024-01-11-140526-1024x574.png)
The year 2024 couldn’t have started better for thirteen-year-old Willis Gibson: he has become world famous for his amazing achievement while playing his favourite computer game: Tetris. Watch this video of 4:03 minutes to know more (source: NBC News).
Questions about the video:
- What has Willis Gibson done?
- What do Alexey Pajitnov and Hank Rogers say about Willis’ achievement?
- Why is this achievement so special to Willis and his mother?
Willis’ mind-blowing win has given us new insights on how human skill has evolved. Read this article, where a cognitive psychologist shares his ideas on why this achievement is so meaningful (source: BBC Future).
Questions about the text:
- What does Gibson’s record-breaking achievement tell us?
- How does the Fosbury Flop, performed by Dick Fosbury in the 1968 Olympics, relate to the internet and Tetris?
- How does the digital era affect human development, according to professor Tom Stafford?
Discussion questions
- What do you think about video games?
- What positive effects can video games like Tetris have on players?
- Willis’ mother says that Willis “is pretty good about knowing when to put the controller down”. What negative effects can excessive gaming have on a player’s overall health?
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