Eco-friendly Music
- 6 mei 2024
- Niveau: Havo/vwo bovenbouw
- Bron: BBC News

Is old-school vinyl back for good? Based on recent developments in the music industry one could say it is. The world is aware that something must be done to protect the environment because old-school vinyl is polluting, and luckily, artists take responsibility and find ways to protect it. Billie Eilish is one of them.
Watch the video of 4:23 minutes (source: BBC News).
Questions about the video:
- What happened?
- What is the reason for Billie Eilish’s sustainable choice, according to Greg Cochrane?
- What can the music industry do to contribute to environment preservation?
- In Greg Cochrane’s view, how will the music industry continue to develop?
Sustainability is a widely debated topic in today’s world. Across various fields, efforts are being made to meet standards of sustainability. However, when it comes to the music industry, what exactly is a sustainable record? Read this article from Euronews about Billie Eilish’s eco-friendly vinyl to find out what is a sustainable record.
Questions about the text:
- How do Billie Eilish’s vinyl records compare to Nick Mulvey’s?
- What makes BioVinyl special?
- What sustainable contributions do Coldplay and Massive Attack make to the music industry?
Discussion questions:
- What are your thoughts on vinyl records?
- Among the listed artists, who do you believe makes the most significant environmental contribution?
- What additional things can professionals in the music industry do to be more sustainable?
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