NU Actueel

Todd the llama: a Canadian celebrity

  • 5 december 2022
  • Niveau: Onderbouw
  • Bron: CTV News
 - NU Actueel Video bekijken

Have you ever watched a llama in a commercial or a film? If so, maybe you have seen Todd, the Canadian llama. Would you like to find out more about this special animal?

Watch the video.

  1. According to his owner, does Todd behave differently when he’s being filmed?
  2. How was Todd discovered as an “actor”?
  3. What do the people working on the Hallmark series think about Todd?
  4. How does the hotel staff react to Todd?
  5. The narrator says that Todd is “house trained”. What does that mean? 
  6. How does Todd “comment” on what he sees?
  7. Discuss in pairs: do you think Todd is treated well? Why (not)?
  8. Discuss in class: do you think animals like Todd really enjoy performing in films and series? Why (not)?

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