Sound effects and the Foley technique
- 6 juli 2020
- Niveau: Havo/vwo bovenbouw
- Bron: Youtube

People love watching movies! Have you ever thought about how movies are made? Did you know that most of sounds you hear in a movie are added later? Let’s find out how it all works.
Before watching:
- Discuss in groups: What movie has the best sound effects? Why?
- What do the movies of the previous question have in common for sound effects?
During watching:
- Where did the Foley sound making technique originate?
- Why is this technique called ‘Foley’?
After watching:
- What do you think now you know about the way sounds in movies are made? Do you feel betrayed?
- Which sounds might be very hard to make?
- Would you like doing this as your future job?
Are you interested in this? Read this article and make the questions below.
- What is the impact that movies have on the environment? Were you aware of this?
- Is the environmental impact really that bad if you compare regional, national and international scale?
- What can or should be done about it?
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