NU Actueel

Flying into the capital of Ireland? This is what you can find there…

  • 3 juni 2024
  • Niveau: Onderbouw
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 - NU Actueel Video bekijken

The Summer holidays are coming, so there’s a chance you or a classmate will be travelling somewhere, maybe by airplane? In that case, watch the video to find out what you can find in the capital of Ireland.

Watch the video.

  1. What can the robots help you with?
  2. Why are the robots at Dublin airport?
  3. What does Graeme McQueen say about why the robots are there? Use your own words.
  4. How do the passengers react according to Graeme?
  5. What are the names of the robots?
  6. What do passengers have to do to get help from a robot?
  7. What does the robot do after the passengers have called it?
  8. Discuss in pairs: Would you like a robot to help you during your trip? Why (not)?
  9. Discuss in class: Do you think there will be robots like these in other places soon too? Which places?

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